Wednesday, September 17, 2008

our day

After being awake most of last night, I assumed today was going to be rough.
Thankfully with this beautiful weather, I got the kids out of the house and we all enjoyed some sunshine.
We found a park 2 blocks from our house. Avery had fun picking dandelions and Charlie ran off some of his boyness.
We walked around our new neighborhood and admired a neighbor's garden. The woman picked off three tomatoes for us to bring home, prized possessions for the kids!
Charlie is taking a great nap. Avery played with Jackson for quite a while which is so cute to watch. He soaks up every minute of her attention.
Avery and I just finished some school work and it was a lot of fun. Since we moved up to the area so late in the school year, we couldn't find a preschool we liked/could afford. So I told Stephen I would 'school' her in the afternoons. We started today and I think we both enjoyed it.

Some cuteness:
Charlie says "Basquito bites"

He has wet his pants a few times in the last few days and I think the craziness of this summer has finally caught up with his potty training. I am being more vigilant about telling him to use the potty every half hour until he gets through this. Wouldn't be so bad if we had a working washer and dryer in the house:( That should be settled this week, thank goodness!

And I must say, as hard as this summer was, the move has been worth it. Stephen has been home every night this week. I look back on all those moments I questioned this move/transition and now see the greater plan. To bring our family back together under one roof. It feels GOOD!!!

2 showings on the house today!

1 comment:

A Girl, her God, and a Gift! said...

Glad that you are settling into the new neighborhood... it's always looking back that we can see that even the tough moves were the best for us. Enjoy homeschooling... we are loving it! It's so great to tailor our school to exactly what Emma needs and how she learns best. Keep blogging... I'm checking in.