Avery has been taking an art class this fall. She loves art, tells us she is going to be an artist when she grows up. She has learned about several artists and then painted with the same style and medium.
Jacob Lawerence
Georgia O'Keeffe
Jackson Pollock
Quote of the day: It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.Erma Bombeck
My sil Jenny found it this summer. She went with her son to a mommy and me class and highly recommended it to us, esp. knowing how much Avery loves art. Her teacher is wonderful!
She is talented!!!
Beautiful pictures Avery. Go you for schlepping around your little Monet.
I just read all your recent posts. I'm in love with your kids.
What an awesome class... where did you find it?
My sil Jenny found it this summer. She went with her son to a mommy and me class and highly recommended it to us, esp. knowing how much Avery loves art.
Her teacher is wonderful!
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