Monday, May 4, 2009

Steve the tree

On the way to drop Avery off at school, Charlie looked out his window and said, "Hi Steve!"
"Charlie, who is Steve?"
"The tree!"
Avery pipes in, "Steve is the tree at our park!"

Stephen told me that when Erin was here for Easter and we took them to the park, she named the tree Steve and since then the name has stuck.

Here is Steve


Erin and Avery sitting with Steve

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1 comment:

A Girl, her God, and a Gift! said...

Too cute. Genevieve has this little African American "litte people" guy... they call him Mike. Also, she has a bunny named Lee-Lee. Both of these names (I think) came from Emma asking Genevieve about something and whatever G's responses were they sounded like Mike and Lee-Lee so that's what they are now called. It's funny, if you ask G to find Mike she'll look all around and come back with the little guy. Hope your kids have lots of fun with Steve this summer.