Saturday, August 1, 2009

is there anything worse than a sick 1 year old?

He was so pathetic looking. Just sittting and sucking his thumb and staring off into space. The dark circles and half opened eyes made him look horrible.

So when his fever spiked today after his nap, we decided to take him to the Urgent Care here at the lake. Thankfully the older two were willing to stay in the lobby with Leigh while I took Jackson back to see the doctor.

Doctor said the first antibiotic he was on (2 weeks ago) isn't strong enough to fight much these days. So he said while it calmed some of the symptoms, his lethargy, lack of appetite, it didn't actually kill the virus making him sick.

So today they found his ear showing the start of an infection and his cough to be just as bad as it was 4 weeks ago. Same virus, still fighting and kicking its' way through little man.

Hopefully this antibiotic will do the trick.

Ready to see Little Man back to being himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

antibiotics don't kill viruses as they are not alive. They cannot function at all without being in a host organism. They're more like little machines that need your cellular "stuff" to work. other than this wonderful trip to my often-missed scientific past, yes, there is nothing sadder and we'll pray for the little guy's healing.