Tuesday, November 24, 2009

short sale update

Trust I has given verbal approval, just waiting for written letter of approval. Negotiator is on vacation, so letter should arrive to selling agent next week.
Trust II has indicated it will be approved, waiting for approval letter as well.

Here is some encouragement from our agent. "What I like is that I am not hearing any major hedging or thoughts that we are still in a negotiating process - but rather an almost clerical process at this point. She (selling agent's office manager) also said that once we have final approval the closing period is anywhere from 2-4 weeks - which mainly depends on the buyers ability to get to the table and close the loan. SO I am hopeful that we can get approval next week (I will once again start pushing on Monday) and we can get you in the house before Christmas!"

Of course, cautiously optimistic, as verbal agreements haven't gone in our favor in the past.

And in Stephen's world, the vacationing negotiator for Wells Fargo is visiting Thailand, which will be hit by a tsunami, making Wells Fargo designate a new negotiator to our short sale process, making us start from scratch.

I seriously would not have gotten through this process without my husband's sense of humor.

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