Monday, November 10, 2008

A Hair Tourniquet

A what???

Poor little Jackson had what the medical profession refers to as a hair tourniquet last Friday. A piece of hair wrapped tightly around his toes, so tight a surgeon had to be called into the pediatrician's office to remove the dang thing.

For those who aren't aware (as I was not), loose hairs can get wrapped around phalanges, form slip knots and then tighten as babies kick. Jackson's favorite pastime right now.

His first scar. Quite a story for him as he grows up.

And I must admit, for a brief moment, I thought about shaving my head as well as Avery's.

It is healing nicely and he has complete mobility in that toe. That was my main concern, as the hair cut the back of his toe right down to the bone.


Anonymous said...

WOW. I have never heard of this. That is crazy. I am glad he is okay.

Anonymous said...

Holy *&%$! I've heard of this but only in books. I'm so glad Jackson is one piece now.