Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And we're back to house hunting.

I'm going to law school

Not to be a lawyer.
But to know how to correctly deal with all of the jacka$$ in this world.
I don't need power over these people, I need the knowledge and wisdom to fight the injustices. Wait, I think I have been watching too much Word Girl.

So, we are probably in the midst of a legal issue with the landlord and the mold issue.
Now we might be in the midst of the legal issue with our offer on the house.

As I told Stephen, I have no more fight left in me. Good to know the battle is the Lord's.

The cash cows (the other offer on the house) is threatening legal action against the selling realtor if he doesn't submit both offers to the bank.

The selling realtor is checking with his attorney to understand where this is going. We have firm belief, after speaking with our realtor, who spoke with a broker as well as an attorney, that the selling realtor does NOT have to submit both offers. This is our hope, because if both offers go, it is pretty obvious who the bank will choose.

The other bad news, there is no chance of renting the home before we move in. Legally not appropriate, blah, blah, blah.

I am going to sit out on mom and dad's porch and enjoy the view. If I could be anywhere with all of this headache going on, it would be here.

Monday, July 27, 2009

breath of fresh air

We made it to the lake! And what a difference it has made.

Jackson woke up this morning with no crusties around his nose. I can't remember the last time he woke up clear of green boogies. And his cough is sounding better. Still there, still sounding like a cat purring when he breathes sometimes, but his cough is much less frequent and he isn't gagging on mucos. The hectic packing and last minute things to get us out of the house has been worth it.

The kids are having a ball. They love running down to the golf course, bird watching, bug cathing, relaxing. I think they also love that I am not totally preoccupied with packing and moving. I am either cooking for us or playing. It is great.

Lucas is enjoying himself too. A huge yard in which to play ball and tonight he even took a dip in the lake.

Making progress on the new house. We are very close to having a signed contract, just initialing last minute changes (we get to keep the playset!). Very scary afternoon thinking we lost the house to someone offering cash to the sellers/bank, but Toby worked it out for us and we have crossed one hurdle successfully.

Now we are working on a move in date and rental amount, as well as waiting to hear if our offer holds with the bank.

I won't be posting pictures anytime soon, so bear with the text. I have no camera with me at the lake.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Jackson!

The last year has been hard. A lot of challanges for our family. But giving birth to you and having you in our lives day to day has made the hardships seem minute. You are a bright spot in our lives, a blessing, a wonderful addition, the completion of the Fab Five.
We love you, your laughter, your joy. The way you want to clean up around the house, the way you bounce when the kids are dancing or boucing on their beds. The way you spit out food you don't like is hilarious, your belly laugh is hysterical and the way you cling to your 'dada' is beautiful.
Happy Birthday little man.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

they're here!

The two PODS were delivered today, very cool to watch them loaded onto the street in front of the townhome. We have never used PODS before, always a moving company or rented our own moving truck. But PODS has been quick, efficient and cost effective too.
We could physically move into one of them, they are huge!
So, word is out on the street that we are moving.
We are progressing with the move. A lot of boxes packed. A lot of tv for the kids to watch. Oh well, I keep telling them that when we get to grandma's I'll have more time to play.
So, we should be out by Sunday. On the road to grandma's house, staying for a couple of weeks.
Moving is always stressful, but I keep reminding myself that this move is very worth it and *hopefully* our last move for a long, long time.
Once we know more about the house, we'll post. We have a verbal commitment and should know more next week. As I have mentioned over and over, we are cautiously optimistic.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

big foot

Stephen and Charlie playing around while watching the Tour.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

when you have nothing good to say

don't say anything at all, right?
There is so much to say, but my mind has been wrapped around the negative lately, it didn't seem fair to dump it all out here. Poor Stephen, instead he received the dumping. He handles my falling apart so well, and then his wit and charm kick in and the tears turn to laughter. Love of my life.

Mold situation worse than we previously thought. How could it possibly get worse, you say? Landlord hasn't paid the inspector, so she called us to see if the situation has been fixed (it hasn't) and to tell us there were toxic mold spores in our air samples. Not just on the walls, floating in the air. Yum!

Housing situation better than expected. Fell in love with a house this week, just waiting for Stephen to finish up his meetings to go and look at it. Friday will be a big day for us.

I can't wait to write down the story of finding this home, if it is indeed 'the one.' Cool story for an even cooler house.

More to come:)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Asking God to move mightily

Literally. He has to move us quickly and I am just so tired and rundown from this last year I can do nothing but wait on Him and watch for the miracles. If I keep trying to do it all on my own I am going to miss what He has for us.

Today there was mold found in our basement. Something we had feared. Active growing mold spores, and we have been told to no longer use the basement. It is all over the wood paneled walls and it is so disgusting, because you can't see it unless a flashlight is shining at just the right angle. It is in one of the walls too.

We have been told we can live here without being affected as long as we stay out of the basement. We have to wash every toy in hot water with vinegar and put all soft toys in the washing machine. More importantly, we were told once we move we will have no long term side afffects.

Can you keep us in your prayers? We could use a few extra:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wish I could say we've been on vacation

but I have been holed up in bed with pneumonia.
Super antibiotics, rest, liquids and a tremendous amount of help from family has me back on my feet.
Oh! And we have made tremendous strides with house hunting, so my doom and gloom attitude of finding a home up here has brightened as well.