The last year has been hard. A lot of challanges for our family. But giving birth to you and having you in our lives day to day has made the hardships seem minute. You are a bright spot in our lives, a blessing, a wonderful addition, the completion of the Fab Five.
We love you, your laughter, your joy. The way you want to clean up around the house, the way you bounce when the kids are dancing or boucing on their beds. The way you spit out food you don't like is hilarious, your belly laugh is hysterical and the way you cling to your 'dada' is beautiful.
Happy Birthday little man.
Susan - Holy Cow! I just read a bunch of posts - moving, mold, pnemonia, man have you been under it!
I'm praying for you. Can't wait to hear more when things calm down.
love you
Man, he's so new, he wasn't even in my most recent JFK download of contacts and important dates. Happy Birthday STONEWALL!
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