Wednesday, July 15, 2009

when you have nothing good to say

don't say anything at all, right?
There is so much to say, but my mind has been wrapped around the negative lately, it didn't seem fair to dump it all out here. Poor Stephen, instead he received the dumping. He handles my falling apart so well, and then his wit and charm kick in and the tears turn to laughter. Love of my life.

Mold situation worse than we previously thought. How could it possibly get worse, you say? Landlord hasn't paid the inspector, so she called us to see if the situation has been fixed (it hasn't) and to tell us there were toxic mold spores in our air samples. Not just on the walls, floating in the air. Yum!

Housing situation better than expected. Fell in love with a house this week, just waiting for Stephen to finish up his meetings to go and look at it. Friday will be a big day for us.

I can't wait to write down the story of finding this home, if it is indeed 'the one.' Cool story for an even cooler house.

More to come:)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Praying you guys get out of that mold hole soon! It will happen - stay strong!!
