Thursday, July 2, 2009

Asking God to move mightily

Literally. He has to move us quickly and I am just so tired and rundown from this last year I can do nothing but wait on Him and watch for the miracles. If I keep trying to do it all on my own I am going to miss what He has for us.

Today there was mold found in our basement. Something we had feared. Active growing mold spores, and we have been told to no longer use the basement. It is all over the wood paneled walls and it is so disgusting, because you can't see it unless a flashlight is shining at just the right angle. It is in one of the walls too.

We have been told we can live here without being affected as long as we stay out of the basement. We have to wash every toy in hot water with vinegar and put all soft toys in the washing machine. More importantly, we were told once we move we will have no long term side afffects.

Can you keep us in your prayers? We could use a few extra:)

1 comment:

A Girl, her God, and a Gift! said...

Susan, I will be praying for all of you... the mold, your health, a new home, peace about the unknown... Love, Stacia