Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wish I could say we've been on vacation

but I have been holed up in bed with pneumonia.
Super antibiotics, rest, liquids and a tremendous amount of help from family has me back on my feet.
Oh! And we have made tremendous strides with house hunting, so my doom and gloom attitude of finding a home up here has brightened as well.


Tracy said...

Glad to hear you have resurfaced! :-) Let us know how the mold inspection goes today. If the verdict is bad, you are always welcome here in VB if you need a place to stay. And will keep praying for a new house to find you soon! Tracy

A Girl, her God, and a Gift! said...

I was wondering where you were. I'm glad that you are better, but that stinks that you were so sick. Glad the house hunting is on the upswing.