Tuesday, March 31, 2009

changing every day


Jackson has discovered the joy of crawling around a room getting into mischief. He is so proud!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

teething and standing


Jackson has 2 bottom teeth and is obviously working on some more!

Crawling, standing and cruising from table to couch. Another favorite pasttime. Little babies standing always makes me laugh.
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Monday, March 23, 2009

So long winter


Avery spied these in our neighbors yard. So, today we're packing up winter hats, gloves, mittens and scarves. We'll keep the winter coats out a little longer, but everything else is going in a box until next winter! Hello spring!
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mt. Soledad

When Stephen and I lived in San Diego, riding up to this cross in La Jolla was one of our favorite and hardest bike rides.
All up hill, but the view from the top is amazing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pancake Breakfast

A couple of weeks ago Thomas, Jenny, Stephen and I took the kids to a pancake breakfast at a local park. We had a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves. We especially liked watching Avery eat her two huge pancakes in record time!
We all laughed that we were at this very same park for a wedding in November 2006, when none of us lived up here or even had any thoughts of living up here.


Avery's first face painting - she has never wanted to do this, but for some reason jumped at the idea this day.

James in his wb.

Charlie joining the rap crowd. He chose to wear his hat like this!
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Charlie hugs

Charlie gives the best hugs. He wants them all the time. And he wants to hold on for a long time. Such a lovey.

This morning was a little rough, we have a head cold passing through the house and Jackson was up a few times last night. While I was making breakfast, the kids were in the kitchen with me asking me what seemed like a zillion questions. I finally said, "Guys, I'm not feeling well, I need you to play in the other room while mommy gets breakfast ready." Charlie walked over and gave me a hug around my legs and said "That is so you will feel better mommy."

Melt you heart or what?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!



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Of course the sheep socks direct from Ireland!

Monday, March 16, 2009

weekend project

Avery's finished t-shirt dress!
Excuse the Avery face, she was very happy to wear the dress, not happy to have oatmeal for breakfast!


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This dress is very pretty without embellishments, but I had to add the ribbon and bows to cover my mistakes:) Can't wait for warmer weather so she can wear this without pajama's under it! She added the shoes for a dressier look:)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Having fun with the marble run


Just one of those days. Nowhere to go, nothing pressing to do. We're still in our pj's at lunch! So we pulled out the Marble Run that Avery received as a Christmas present, from Henry and Maria. We have so much fun putting this together and watching the marbles race down to the bottom.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fundraising for Avery's preschool

We’ve just kicked off our fundraiser through Gertrude Hawk Chocolates and we are offering a variety of delicious chocolates and gifts!

A website has been setup specifically for Village Co-Op for Tots fundraising campaign. All purchases made on that site will be credited towards us and all proceeds will be awarded to our great cause.

To connect to this site, please click here

or copy & paste the following URL into your browser:


You may also go to http://www.gertrudehawkchocolates.com/index.cfm?act=programs
and enter the participant no. 722059-006 to access our group’s site.

You can have your purchases delivered directly to your door or, have it shipped to us and we will deliver it personally during our next visit.

Thank you for your support!

We're also selling flower bulbs from Dutch Mill Bulbs. This can not be completed online, but if anyone is interested, please call us. The bulbs are in sets and sell for $6.

Fundraising ends March 13th.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sign of the times

I love this magazine. Today when I called to check on the status of a subscription, I was told the last issue of Wondertime is March 2009.
I'll admit, I don't read a newspaper anymore. I read my news online or watch FoxNews. But I do read magazines. There is just something about sitting in a waiting room or bathtub with a good magazine. This was my only subscription and I am truly sad to see such a wonderufl parenting magazine go by the wayside.